Bosnia Appeal

“Nova Nada” iz Norveške i “OUR KIDS” London: Situacija sa djecom u Pazarić nas je posebno potresla


Poslanica Naše stranke u Predstavničkom domu Parlamenta Federacije BiH obznanila je šokantne fotografije, video i detalje mučenja djece u Zavodu Pazarić. Prikazani sadržaj uznemirio je bosanskohercegovačku javnost, ali i šire.

Reakcije ne prestaju pristizati, a saopćenje povodom nemilih dešavanja u Zavodu uputila je i humanitarna organizacija “Nova Nada” iz Norveške.

– Dragi naši članovi i prijatelji, imamo potrebu i moralnu dužnost da se oglasimo povodom situacije i skandala u slučaju Zavoda za zbrinjavanje mentalno invalidne djece i omladine Pazarić. HO Nova Nada iz Norveške je u više navrata pomagala ovu ustanovu i ova situacija nas je posebno potresla, ističu iz “Nove Nade”.

Nastavit će pažljivo pratiti razvoj situacije, te, ističu, osuđuju svaki oblik zlostavljanja djece. Slično saopštenje uputila je i humanitarna organizacija OUR KUDS iz Londona.

Official Statement from Our Kids Foundation

UG Naša Djeca-Our Kids today issued the following statement:

At a press conference in the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina held on November 20th 2019, photos were published about the alleged abuse of children in care at the Public Institution for the Care of Mentally Disabled Children and Youth Pazarić, where for the last seven years UG Naša Djeca-Our Kids has been providing daily personal assistance for four children as well as various other initiatives to support the Centre’s beneficiaries such as the godparents project, birthday celebrations, New Year’s donations, donations of healthy food for all the Centre’s children, as well as donations of educational resources for the needs of individual users.

We are appalled by the photos presented at the conference and we hope that the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the relevant authorities will promptly conduct a thorough and professional investigation which, in the event of proven abuse of the Centre’s users, will lead to changes in the way the Centre takes care of children and all users.

UG Naša Djeca-Our Kids wishes to emphasise that we are available to support the work of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other authorities responsible for improving the work of the Pazarić care home.



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