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SAD: Student Demir Sikirić dizajnirao je prototipski 3D štampani protetik prilagođen osobama sa paralizom gornjih ekstremiteta

Demir Sikirić, student biomedicinskog inženjeringa na SLU, dizajnirao je prototipski 3D štampani protetik sa kombinacijom hardvera /softvera prilagođenim osobama sa paralizom gornjih ekstremiteta.

Biomedicinska usmjerenja postaju sve prestižnija u svijetu, zahvaljujući ekspanzivnom razvoju biomedicinske tehnike i instrumentacije. Treba napomenuti da dosadašnje iskustvo inicira da se naši studenti sa svojim stečenim multidisciplinarnim znanjima veoma lako uklapaju u najsloženije istraživačke i razvojne programe. Naši bosansko-hercegovački studenti uvijek su prvi i najbolji u raznim obalstima, jer posjeduju sposobnost, vještinu, talenat i upornost. Jedan od takvih je i Demir Sikirić, student završne godine Saint Louis Univerziteta, koji nesebično ulaže svoje znanje i kreativnost da bi, kako kaže “stekao što više iskustva i znanja ovdje u Americi a potom se vratio u Bosnu i započeo nešto što će aktivirati omladinu i ponuditi im prilike za rad i uspjeh”.

Iako je rođen u Njemačkoj a živi u Americi, on njeguje bosansku kulturu, jezik i tradiciju. Demir živi neku drugu dimenziju svog života i mašta o povratku. Nadamo se da će njegova mašta uroditi plodom, jer on želi vratiti Bosni ono što joj i pripada. Demir Sikirić dizajnirao je RoboPro, koncept za robotsku prostetiku koja se koristi putem glasa za osobe sa paralizom gornjih ekstremiteta. Njegova ideja bila je zasnovanja na dizajnu nalik rukavici, a koja sadrži kombinaciju 3D štampanih materijala i hardverske/softverske elektronike. 3D štampana ruka i prsti sadrže strateški postavljene rupe kroz cijelu površinu. Linija optičkih vlakana je provučena kroz te rupe i povezana sa Motorom #1 (motor koji kontroliše prvi i drugi prst) i sa Motorom #2 (motor koji kontroliše treći i četvrti prst), dok je palac, trenutno, netaknut. Ovi motori su zatim spojeni sa mikroprocesorom koji se aktivira putem baterije od 3,7 Volta. Taj mikroprocesor, tzv. Adafruit Feather, se razlikuje od drugih zbog svojih karakterističnih bluetooth mogućnosti, koje su direktno povezane sa Raspberry Pi-om, koji se koristi za uspostavljanje veza sa ukupnim okvirom kodiranja i softvera. Ove komponente su također povezane direktno sa Amazon Echo Dot-om preko Amazon Alexa Developer Console. S tim, kada se uspostavi veza između ruke i Raspberry Pi putem softvera, onda se može koristiti Amazon Alexa Developer Console da poveže ruku direktno sa Echo Dot-om. Nakon povezivanja, korisnik ruke može da koristi unaprijed određene komande, kao “otvori” ili “zatvori” da bi kontrolisalo kretanje motora, što, zauzvrat, pomjera prste, a s tim i ruku.

Demirova ideja je da nastavi prikazivati rješenja za širok spektar medicinskih problema. Taj njegov spekatar upravljanja projektima ima samomotivirajuće kreativne ishode, što potvrđuje njegovu angažiranost i u primjeni inženjerskih principa i koncepata dizajna za zdravstvene svrhe. Nadahnut vještinom dizajniranja i naklonjenosti prema dostignućima biomedicinskog inženjeringa, Demir će nastaviti sa multidisciplinarnim povezivanjem znanja iz šire oblasti elektrotehnike sa biomedicinskim znanjima. To nije sve. Važno je napomenuti da je Demir putem jednog lokalnog inkubatora započeo dvije kompanije gdje je i sam bio osnivač. DynamiCath, kompanija koja je revolucionirala industriju katetera stvaranjem prvog dinamičnog, patentiranog katetera za dijagnostičke procedure. I druga kompanija zvana BoomerBox, preduzeće za pretplatu koje je prilagođeno starijim građanima u objektima za život uz pomoć. Demir za par dana stiče titulu biomedicinskog inženjera, pa mi mu unaprijed čestitamo, uz nadu da će nastaviti svoje obrazovno putovanje do viših stepena sa još većim uspjehom. Mi se nadamo da će Demirov patent naći put do sretnog korisnika.

Demir Sikiric, a biomedical engineer at SLU, designed a prototype 3D printed prosthesis with a combination of hardware / software adapted for people with paralysis of the upper limbs.

Biomedical guidelines are becoming more and more prestigious in the world, thanks to the expansive development of biomedical techniques and instrumentation. It should be noted that the previous experience initiates that our students with their acquired multidisciplinary knowledge easily fit into the most complex research and development programs. Our Bosnian students are always the first and the best in everything because they have the ability, skill, talent, and perseverance. One of these is Demir Sikiric, senior student at Saint Louis University, who unselfishly invests his knowledge and creativity in order to “gain more experience and knowledge here in America and then returned to Bosnia and start something that would activate the youth and offer them opportunities for work and success”. Although he was born in Germany and lives in America, he cultivates Bosnian culture, language, and tradition. Demir is living another dimension of his life. His goal will certainly be success, because he wants to return to Bosnia what belongs to it. Demir Sikiric, designed RoboPro, a concept for robotic prosthetics that is used by voice for people with paralysis of the upper extremities. His idea was to design a glove-like design, featuring a combination of 3D printed materials and hardware / software electronics. The 3D printed hand and fingers contain strategically placed holes throughout the surface. The fiber optic line is routed through these holes and connected to Motoro # 1 (a motor that controls the first and second fingers) and with Motoro # 2 (a motor that controls the third and fourth fingers), while the thumb is currently intact. These motors are then connected to a microprocessor which is activated by a 3.7 volt battery. This microprocessor, the so-called. Adafruit Feather is different from others because of its distinctive bluetooth features, which are directly linked to Raspberry Pi, which is used to establish links to the overall encoding framework and software. These components are also linked directly to the Amazon Echo Dot via the Amazon Alexa Developer Console. With this, when a connection between the arm and the Raspberry Pi is established through the software, then the Amazon Alexa Developer Console can be used to connect the hand directly to Echo Dot. After connecting, the user of the hand can use predefined commands, such as “open” or “close” to control the movement of the engine, which, in turn, moves the fingers, and with that and hand. Demir’s idea is to continue presenting solutions for a wide range of medical problems. This project management spectrum has self-motivating creative outcomes, which confirms its engagement and application of engineering principles and design concepts for health purposes. Inspired by the art of design and sympathy for the achievements of biomedical engineering, Demir will continue with multidisciplinary networking of knowledge from a wider field of electrical engineering with biomedical knowledge. It is important to note that Demir started two companies where he was the co-founder himself through a local incubator. DynamiCath, the company that revolutionized the catheter industry by creating the first dynamic, patented catheter for diagnostic procedures. And another company called BoomerBox, a subscription company that has been adapted for older people in facilities for life with help. In a couple of days, Demir will get a bachwlor degree in biomedical engineering, so we congratulate him in advance, with the hope that he will continue his educational journey to higher degrees with more success. We hope that Demir’s patent will find the way to a happy user.

Fatima Dizdarević

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