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IGK od Facebooka traži da zabrani negiranje genocida u Srebrenici


Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada je zatražio od Facebook da zabrani negiranje genocida u Srebrenici na svojoj platformi. Pismo prenosimo u cjelosti

Poštovani Mr. Mark Zuckerberg,

Poštujući vašu bitku protiv opasnih teorija zavjera i poricanja holokausta u ime više stotina hiljada žrtava genocida u Srebrenici molimo vas da takođe napravite još promjenu pravila o govoru mržnje te zabranite sav sadržaj koji poriče i iskrivljuje istinu o genocidu u Srebrenici. Svjedoci smo da se vaša platforma sve više koristi za kontinuirano, organizovano i sistematsko poricanje genocida u Srebrenici.

Jula 1995. godine više od 8.372 Bošnjaka u Srebrenici, uglavnom muškaraca i dječaka je hladnokrvno ubijeno od strane vojske i policije bosanskohercegovačkog entiteta Republika srpska. Međunarodni sud pravde i Međunarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju pravosnažno su presudili da je masakr u Srebrenici bio genocid, koji nije bio ograničen samo na muškarce, već je uključivao žene i djecu, a najmlađa žrtva je bila novorođena beba. Više od 50 država širom svijeta su svojim parlamentarnim rezolucijama potvrdili genocid u Srebrenici.

Imajući u vidu gore pomenute sudske presude i rezolucije, a i u znak poštovanja na sjećanje na žrtve genocida, poricanje genocida u Srebrenici treba biti zabranjeno i onemogučeno na vašoj platformi. Oni koji negiraju genocid u Srebrenici putem vaše platforme ponižavaju žrtve, nanoseći bol i patnju preživjelim žrtvama genocida, što ohrabruje negatore genocida i buduće moguće kreatore i izvršioce genocida.

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada

Respected Mr. Mark Zuckerberg,

 Respecting your battle against dangerous theories of conspiracies and Holocaust denial on behalf of hundreds of thousands of victims of genocide in Srebrenica, we would like you to also consider making another change to the rules on hate speech and ban all content from your FaceBook platform which denies and distorts the truth about the genocide in Srebrenica. We have increasingly witnessed that your FaceBook platform is being used for continuous, organized and systematic denial of the Srebrenica genocide.

 In July of 1995, more than 8,372 Bosniaks in Srebrenica, mostly men and boys, were killed in cold-blood by the army and police of the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia have ruled that the Srebrenica massacre was indeed a genocide, which was not limited to men, but included women and children, and the youngest victim was a newborn baby. Due to the above said court verdict more than 50 countries around the world with their parliamentary resolutions have acknowledged the genocide in Srebrenica.

 Bearing in mind the above-mentioned court verdicts and resolutions, and as a tribute to the memory of the victims of genocide, the denial of the genocide in Srebrenica should be prohibited and disabled on your FaceBook platform as-well. Those who deny the genocide in Srebrenica are humiliating the victims through your FaceBook platform, inflicting pain and suffering on the survivors of the genocide, which in return encourages the genocide deniers and future possible creators and perpetrators of the genocide.

Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada

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